Theaters and performing arts are permitted to operate, provided the general and discipline-specific requirements in this document are met and followed. The theatre and performing arts organization must adopt a written procedure for operation that is at least as strict as the procedures below and complies with all safety and health requirements.

Phase 1: Indoor: Private rentals/tours/performances for individual households of no more than six people are permitted. All individuals must wear face coverings. Maximum capacity is 25% of the venue or space.
Phase 1: Outdoor: Ticketed events only. Groups of 10 people are permitted, but are limited to two households per group. Groups must be physically distanced six feet apart and maintain six feet of physical distance from others at all times. All individuals in attendance must wear a face covering. A minimum of 20 feet of physical distancing is required between artists/performers and the audience. A maximum of 75 individuals including artists, crew, and audience members may be in the designated area. There is a two-hour time limit on all performances/events.
Phase 2: Indoor: Maximum capacity is 25% of the venue/space or 200 people, whichever is less. Groups with a maximum of six people are permitted. Each group must be physically distanced six feet apart and maintain six feet of separation from others at all times. All individuals in attendance must wear a face covering. A minimum of 20 feet of physical distancing is required between artists/performers and the audience. There is a two-hour time limit on all performances/events.
Phase 2: Outdoor: Groups of up to 15 people are permitted, but are limited to two households per group. Groups must be physically distanced six feet apart and maintain six feet of separation from others at all times. All individuals in attendance must wear a face covering. A minimum of 20 feet of physical distancing is required between artists/performers and the audience. A maximum 200 individuals including artists, crew, and audience may be in the designated area. There is a three-hour time limit on all performances/events.
B. Discipline-specific Requirements:
1. Dance and Movement:
Phase 1 Rehearsals: A minimum of 500 square feet per dancer is required. If there are two or more people per a barre, each dancer must maintain a radius of six feet of physical distancing and all dancers must face the same direction. A maximum length of 45 minutes per rehearsal session with 30- minute breaks between sessions is required.
Phase 2 Rehearsals: The maximum capacity is 25% of the room/venue/space. All other requirements in Phase 1 must be followed.
Phase 1 Performances/Recitals:
· Indoor: Prohibited.
· Outdoor: Must follow “Dance and Movement: Phase 1 Rehearsals” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 1: Outdoor.”
Phase 2 Performances/Recitals:
· Indoor: Must follow the “Dance and Movement: Phase 1 Rehearsals” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Indoor.”
· Outdoor: Must follow the “Dance and Movement: Phase 1 Rehearsals” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Outdoor.”
2. Choral/Vocal/Opera/Musical Theatre/ Comedy/Spoken Word/Poetry Readings or Slams Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals:
1. Indoor and Outdoor: Solo singers and performers in a rehearsal setting may rehearse without a face covering, so long as they are at least 15 feet physically distanced from the pianist/accompanist and others. If a speaker decides not to wear a face covering, it is recommended that a Plexiglas 3-sided barrier is used during the rehearsal. The barrier must be disinfected after every use.
All group performance activities that involve singing require everyone to wear a three-layer surgical mask and maintain at least 9 feet (12 feet is recommended) of physical distance from others. Group singing/choirs are limited to no more than 15 individuals. Rehearsals may be held indoors for up to 45 minutes at a time with 30-minute breaks in between to allow for air exchange.
Phase 1 Performances/Recitals:
· Indoor: Prohibited.
· Outdoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Choral/Vocal/Opera/MusicalTheatre/Comedy/Spoken Word/Poetry Readings or Slams” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 1: Outdoor.”
Phase 2 Performances/Recitals:
· Indoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Choral/Vocal/Opera/Musical Theatre/Comedy/Spoken Word/Poetry Readings or Slams” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Indoor.”
· Outdoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Choral/Vocal/Opera/Musical
Theatre/Comedy/Spoken Word/Poetry Readings or Slams” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Outdoor.”
3. Orchestra/Instrumental Phase 1 and 2 Rehearsals:
1. Indoor and Outdoor: All physical distancing requirements are section/instrument specific:
o String and percussion instruments must maintain a minimum of six feet of physical distancing.
o Brass & woodwind instruments must maintain a minimum of 9 feet of physical distancing and use a bell cover.
o Vocalists refer to guidelines for “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Choral/Vocal/Opera/Musical Theatre/Comedy/Spoken Word/Poetry Readings or Slams.”
Rehearsals are a maximum of 45 minutes at a time with 30-minute breaks in between to allow for air exchange. All are required to wear masks. For instruments that require mouth-to-instrument connection, musicians are not required to wear a mask while playing, but during long periods of rest and breaks, masks are required.
Phase 1 Performances/Recitals:
2. Indoor: Prohibited.
3. Outdoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Orchestra/Instrumental” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 1: Outdoor.”
Phase 2 Performances/Recitals:
· Indoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Orchestra/Instrumental” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Indoor.”
· Outdoor: Must follow “Phase 1 and Phase 2 Rehearsals: Orchestra/Instrumental” requirements plus the general requirements in “Part A – Phase 2: Outdoor.”
C. Venue Requirements and Guidelines:
Sanitation & Safety Expectations: The venue shall:
· Designate a point of contact to ensure the ”Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery” Proclamation 20-25.12 (et seq.) and requirements per Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) and Health Department, are met with a written safety plan specific to each venue that meets the minimum requirements as set forth by the Healthy Washington plan.
· Provide clear communications to patrons prior to arrival regarding safety expectations.
· Post signage outdoors and inside that declares expectations for the visitors to enter the venue, including caution to physical distance, wash hands, use hand sanitizer, wear a facecovering, and other safety precautions.
· Clean daily and adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations for cleaning and sanitation of public facilities are followed. Clean andsanitize all occupied areas between performances.
· Frequently sanitize high touch surfaces including counter tops, doors, elevator buttons, and workstations, particularly during events.
· Install sanitation stations throughout the venue, including backstage and office spaces, that include hand sanitizer and wipes.
· Require all individuals to wear face coverings in accordance with state, county, and venue regulations.
· Consider shield-guards/physical protection guards between public and staff (concessions, box office, reception, retail).
The venue must provide clear communications to renters, artistic partners, event producers, and other visiting groups prior to arrival regarding the venue sanitation and safety expectations. In addition, the venue must post signage outside and inside of the venue that clearly outlines which spaces may be used by renters.
Promote the ventilation of interior spaces. HVAC systems will be maintained and operated following ASHRAE recommendations to the best of each facility’s capability. Circulation of outdoor air will be increased to the safest extent possible.
Evaluate and adjust when possible, audience flow and general lobby spaces to maximize physical distancing and minimize engagement of high touch surfaces.
Train and strategically place staff or volunteers to encourage flow and physical distancing of visitors.
Patron Safety Expectations: The venue shall:
Strive to secure patron contact information to facilitate contract tracing (if selling reserved seating).
Require all to wear face coverings in accordance with state, county, and venue regulations.
Send protocols in advance to patrons when feasible.
Encourage patrons to download digital tickets or use print-at-home ticketing when possible.
Consider the use of digital programs and reduce exchange of printed materials.
Identify, control, and limit congregation points in venues where staff and visitors may come into proximity.
Employee Safety Expectations (all staff including front-of-house, backstage, artists, volunteers): The venue shall:
Sanitize and prepare the venue before allowing employees to return to work.
Reorganize workspaces to maximize physical distancing and/or encourage continued remote work.
Provide disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer throughout work areas for personal use and tosanitize workstations, equipment, and limit sharing when possible.
Provide and train use of personal protective equipment required for personnel per L&I aswell as OSHA and CDC recommendations, based upon duties.
Consider job hazard assessment for artists and personnel for each venue and event.
Regularly review safety procedures with staff, updating as indicated by public health officials and industry standards.
Provide training and security protocols for employees to address patrons who do notcooperate with safety protocols.
Prohibit Backstage visitors and prohibit the greeting of audience members at the stage door following performances.
Require everyone to wear face coverings in accordance with state, county, and venue regulations.
Food Service and Retail: Food service, restaurants, gift shop, and other retail operations in performing arts venues and at events will operate according to phase-specific guidelines outlined in the “Retail” and “Eating and Drinking” in sections of the Healthy Washington guidelines.